April 25th, 2024 06:42pm

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Welcome to DCGOP.org, the Douglas County Republican Party's website!

By creating an account you will be able to participate, offer to volunteer, and optionally receive email notification of events related to the DCGOP and political action items.

To create an account we ask that you provide the information in the form below. No information will be made public on the website except for your name and city--and that information will only be made public if you choose to post a message on the website. However, for our records, we do ask that you provide all of the requested information.

This website is primarily intended for those interested in the Douglas County Republican Party, but we welcome everyone who wishes to participate whether or not you are from Douglas County, and whether or not you are a Republican.



Username: Your username will only be used when you login to the website. It will not be displayed to the public, but we recommend you use your real name so it's easy for you to remember.


Password: Please select a password from 5-20 characters long. Then retype the same password in the second field.


Email: Please enter your email address and then re-type it in the second field. The system will send a confirmation email to you at the email address you specify. You cannot login to your account until you receive the confirmation email and click on the link provided in that message.


First Name:

First Name: Please enter your first name.

Last Name:

Last Name: Please enter your last name.

Street Address:

Street Address: Please enter your street address. This will not be released to the public. Optional, except for Douglas County Republicans.


City: Please enter your city.


State: Please indicate the state of which you are a resident.


Zip: Please enter your zip code.


Phone: Please enter your phone number. Optional


Party: Please let us know your party affiliation.


Resident? Do you live in Douglas County, Colorado?

  Newsletter? Would you like to receive our periodic newsletter by email?
If you're willing to volunteer, we'd really like to hear from you! Please let us know of any volunteering you'd like to do by checking any volunteering options you'd be willing to do. We'll be in touch with you when we need your assistance.

Make phone calls
Going door-to-door
Speaking to groups
Driving voters to polling place
Working in a polling place
Media and publications (letter to the editor, etc.)
My professional services
Participate in event booths
Participate in parades
Electronic media (website, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Organize events
Take pictures of events / photography
Take videos of events
Data entry/capture
Graphic design/promotional material
Help staff/man a party office
Other (indicate below)